A Novella
Torna McCutchins
Published by Torna McCutchins
Copyright © 2017 by Torna McCutchins
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Torna McCutchins. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.
Stirrup- 1: either of a pair of small light frames or rings for receiving the foot of a rider that are attached by a strap to a saddle and used to aid in mounting and as a support while riding. 2: a piece resembling a stirrup (as a support or clamp in carpentry or machinery) 3: a rope secured to a yard and attached to a thimble in its lower end for supporting a footrope
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 1973 Edition
Cock- 1 a : the adult male of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus) b : the male of birds other than the domestic fowl c : WOODCOCK d archaic : the crowing of a cock ; also : COCK-CROW e : WEATHERCOCK 2 : a device (as a faucet or valve) for regulating the flow of a liquid 3 a : a chief person : LEADER b : a person of spirit and often of a certain swagger or arrogance 4 a : the hammer in the lock of a firearm b : the cocked position of the hammer 5 : PENIS – usu. considered vulgar – cock of the walk : one that dominates a group or situation esp. overbearingly
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 1973 Edition
4pus-sy- pl pussies 1 : VULVA – usu. considered vulgar 2 a : SEXUAL INTERCOURSE – usu. considered vulgar b : the female partner in sexual intercourse – usu. considered vulgar
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 1973 Edition
1fuck- : COPULATE – usu. considered obscene; sometimes used in the present participle as a meaningless intensive ~ vt : to engage in coitus with – usu. considered obscene
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 1973 Edition
Table of Contents
I didn’t want to keep this business open. Had every intention of doing something else. When my grandfather started it he only used picks and shovels. When my daddy got it he overlapped with granddaddy and they ran it for thirty-one years. Last May it was handed to me. Me, the only child, twenty-three years old, by myself, with the equipment and knowledge. I am Laney McComb of McComb’s “Eternal Rest” Excavators and Exhumers Incorporated. The name was coined by my grandfather. When he registered the business the county seat sent it back. He spelled the word “Eternal” with an H. “Excavators” was “Exscavatersz.” And of course “Exhumers” was “Exhumorsz.” He couldn’t spell and didn’t want to learn. I keep all that framed in my office which is nothing but a shed with a bathroom. It’s north of Remount, Alabama. I moved it from my father’s after lung cancer killed him and my mama did herself in. I have internet here so I can take online classes in the hopes of leaving Remount. I’d like to be a librarian somewhere. Somewhere not being hereabouts. I currently live in my parent’s old house, though I’m rarely there with their ghosts. Not a place I prefer to hang out.
I was changing the oil and greasing my backhoe when Toby pulled in to the business. He’s going to want to have sex. If he comes in the middle of the day, from his tour of unemployment, I know he’s not looking for a job. We’ve been together since the ninth grade. And no, he didn’t graduate. Thrown out of the Army and etcetera, etcetera. He is a permanent fixture in Remount. That, I will not be.
“Hey Laney. How bout’ a little pussy?”
“Hey Toby. How bout’ a big income? Or any income at all?”
“Aw Laney. Don’t be like that. I try. You know I try.”
“You try to get by on your looks, though your smarts are entirely lacking.”
“You get mean you’re gonna get buttfucked.”
Toby’s pretty. By all means he is that. Tattooed and tanned, his hands, like his feet, big and long like his penis. He was my first and my only to date. Which, in the course of this story will change.
“Pump the grease gun for me Toby.”
“Alright. I can do that.”
I’m turned up on my hip placing the tip on the fitting when he straddles me and rests his weight. I have on overalls, a bra, that’s about it, because no one comes to the office. They text and I go dig the hole. They don’t pay I fill it back in. Though with my looks I rarely have to do that. I’m not arrogant. I look like my mother. Mama was something else to behold. I thank her kindly for the decent genetics.
“Toby, those stunning green eyes and juicy full lips won’t work with me under here.”
“Don’t make me take that pussy.”
I am wet. Instantly soaked. And I don’t have panties on. He knows this, and I’m trapped, because whenever Toby “takes it,” I tend to pant and follow him around. I enjoy having it “taken.”
“Have you grown out that red pussy hair? Does it match that auburn mane?”
“Toby, you saw me naked yesterday. At that time was my tooty hair full, or was it bald like it’s always been?”
I give him the beams of my piercing blue eyes and his green come back with intensity. Toby does not care. I’m about to be drilled through this pavement. He thumbs his cock from his jeans, smacks it on my elbow, and says what he needs to say.
“Pull ‘em down or I’ll rip ‘em off.”
When I don’t move fast enough he grabs me by the hair and holds me. His other hand unsnaps my bra in the back and then drops to my ass to squeeze it. He pries my cheeks apart, works his finger to my clitoris, already knowing I’ll do what he says.
“Toby, let’s go in the office. It’s a hundred degrees on this pavement.”
“Slide ‘em off. Do what I say.”
I pull my overalls down and my ass is turned to him and his cock is so close I can feel its heartbeat and he’s going to fuck me here. Right on the pavement beneath my backhoe and I have to admit I want this. It’s begun as a game, escalated to this, and this is what I adore.
“Toby, lick my pussy from the back.”
“Can I sink my cock in for a second?”
“Ten pumps. I’ll count them. Then eat me.”
He isn’t spooning and is still on his knees and my legs remain together. Toby takes that big dick, slides it from the top, and when he gets to my anus pauses.
“Ten pumps in my pussy. That’s not my vagina Toby.”
He breaches the ring of my sphincter. As he’s about to sodomize me Toby withdraws his cock. “Don’t tease me,” I say.
“You want that?”
Toby doesn’t wait for an answer. Down to the wet opening and then he’s inside me, skewering my cunt with his dick. He drives it in slowly and with a violent precision before I count from my lips “that’s one.” Backwards he retrieves it until the head is at the entrance of my sex, which is loosed and waiting. He then thrusts through two and three and four, then languishes through five and six. The same for seven and eight. Nine and ten I don’t remember. Toby is a glorious fuck. Toby’s cock is the cock that I know. Every inch. All its parameters. He cannot fuck me enough.
“Toby, with your mouth. Suck my clit.”
From the rear he licks my ass and I am dizzy with excitement. Toby makes me wait with a disrespect that says “I own this pussy.”
“Eat it Toby. Don’t fuck with me.”
He travels towards my thighs, mashes his face between them, and I can feel him tonguing for m
y clit. I spread my legs apart to assist. By helping he goes right to it. The current from the nerves bundled there travel through my body and shock me. He draws the hood into his mouth and knows where to suck and how that sucking will reward him. What I’ll do for him later. When I come his tongue is reaming my cunt and his cock is lying on my shoulder. I try to turn my head to put his dick in my mouth but he yanks it away and speaks.
“Now, into the office?”
“In my ass. Ten strokes. Like my pussy.”
Toby’s back on the ring of my asshole with his tongue. He holds it there and it relaxes to open. Toby then circles the head of his cock on my sphincter and my ass takes his meat. I put my hand on his abs, and they’re really impressive, to slow his progress a touch. It’s a big penis and that’s a little hole and we have to be patient or I’ll squeal.
I say “Lordy, I’m all asweat. My dear, that’s a huge cock.”
Finally, it works its way in. To his balls he slides in my rectum. Then gently back out for “one.” As he brings it to the head I watch Toby spitting on it and for some very odd reason this is sexy. “Are you comfortable?”
I reply “who cares. Toby, fuck my ass.”
Pumps two through ten are a blur. The pain so acute, precise and gut wrenching that I have to finger myself to keep tears from streaming from my eyes. But I want this. Why do I want this? I’ve heard friends of mine say things like “forget it! That’s for exits! Ain’t no entry!” I highly disagree. You can match the pain with other pleasures of the body and it feels quite “normal” to me.
“Toby dear, now we go in the office.”
“The paddle? You want the paddle?”
“If you’ll go first I do.”
I’m lying. I want the paddle. I don’t care if Toby goes first.
When Remount Elementary burnt to the ground I asked the board if I could have the bricks. They were fire proof “reds,” the old oven kiln kind, and by the thousand they were worth a lot of money. While I was tossing through the ashes I found a teacher’s old paddle and was surprised it wasn’t left in cinders. I cleaned it, restained it, and after a few drinks had Toby spank my ass. He hit me three or four times, the holes drilled in the board, creating a whistling sound. It went from playing to me lifting my skirt, Toby eventually having to rear his hand back so far that he brought me to my knees, my ass cheeks bruised and Toby in tears because he could not hit me hard enough. Thought he’d broken my “ass bone” network. This was my secret debauchery. I was a quiet and kind genuine “freak” and only Toby knew about it. Toby and one other man. When I was sixteen a youth minister at my church had a “thing” about my ass. He wouldn’t last long with the Baptists. One Sunday night he asked if he could spank me and when I threatened to tell my father he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He said “I’ll tell him what you do with Toby. And that you came on to me.” I bent over his desk and he slid down my jeans and literally beat my ass black. When he was finished, after minutes of whacking, he jammed two fingers inside me and said “wet like an irrigated field. I knew you were a twisted little bitch.” Since then sex has never been “standard” for me. I’m not a “pedestrian” plain fornicator. These episodes of violence are common.
Now to my office to be spanked again. After Toby gets his first.
We went in, I undressed, the afternoon light shining on our naked flesh. From beneath the desk I unveiled the paddle from its case and commenced our little ritual.
“Mr. Toby Fume, you’ve been a very bad boy, and now your cheeks will pay the price. Have you pled guilty?”
“I have mam!”
“Sir, please bend over the desk!”
“Do I get an appeal?”
“You do not! Time for your sentence to be administered!”
Toby put his elbows on the desk. My God, that’s a beautiful ass. I stared at it a moment before looking at Toby, who was squinting his eyes and grinding his teeth and waiting for me to light him up. And I did, oh boy did I. I brought the paddle way high above my head and crashed down on his taught white butt. It resounded and the redness came quickly to his skin before I tapped him again, this time quick, tappety tap, tap, tap, tap! He screamed “Uncle! Shit! Uncle! Laney! Uncle! Goddamighty!”
“Whoo boy! Looky there at that hiney! Red! Red! Red flag red!”
“Your turn. Please. Your turn. You actually love this shit.”
Toby kind of limped around. His dick was no longer hard. That wouldn’t last long, I’d be bent at the waist, Toby spanking my ass as he wished.
“You got enough strength Mr. Fume?”
He didn’t respond. I giggled at the sight of his ass. Taking my position my boobs touched the desk and the cold felt good on my nipples. I gazed above my shoulder and saw Toby’s big dick getting harder by the second and rising.
“Laney, can I go ahead and fuck you? I’ll have to beat you to your knees to keep you fucking wet and then probably choke you after that.”
“I’m a lady. Don’t use that language. Work your arms out first. Then I’ll let you deliver your load.” I smiled and wiggled my ass.
“I’ll decide then.”
“You’re gonna get it good cause I’m giving it!”
Wham! He’s never hit that hard. I’ve upset Toby by taking control and I know I’m in for a walloping. My ass is jiggling, stinging, and I want it from the bottom so I place my order like a customer.
“Get on your knees and smack it from the floor. Make it fly up and descend. Could I please have it thataway?”
“Lord Jesus Laney. What brought this on?”
“Spanking is perfectly healthy. I’m being punished for what I got away with.”
“You dear, are truly fucked up.”
“Stop talking and spank. It’s my turn.”
Toby got on the floor with the paddle in his hand and tapped it on the rug three times. He spread his knees apart. Sturdily he prepared to strike. When he didn’t hit me I knew that he was thinking or debating some strange idea.
“Toby, spank my hiney. What’re you doing? Stop…”
He got to his feet in a huff and slammed his cock inside my pussy. Grinding it to depth, he short pounded my guts, and I could tell he was angry at something. I let him fuck me for a while, his mad cock terrifying and I thought about the time we’d fucked on coke in the mountains. We went to Gatlinburg and rented a cabin and took some blow and a case of beer. I drink bourbon, so I brought bourbon, though Toby won’t drink that. He’s too fucking dainty I guess. Anyway, my dad had just died and I’d never used drugs before. I thought I’d check out for a bit, but it wasn’t a good experience. It made me paranoid, poop a whole lot, and made Toby loathe my vagina. He kept screaming “I’ll kill that pussy!” But you can’t kill a pussy, no more than a hammer can dent a rubber ball.
It felt really good, clean and sober, with him currently hating my cunt, here on the desk in my office. When you’ve downed a fifth of bourbon and done a line or two, there’s too much of the actual drugged “checking out” to really recall the details. I’d rather screw on sweet tea and pie.
“Toby! Don’t you come before I get my ass spanked!
“Shut up! I can’t concentrate!”
He started long stroking and I knew he was coming so I pulled away and grabbed his cock. He said “I was there” and I replied “I know it, but you like me to stop it. Don’t you? To keep you from coming when you shouldn’t?”
“I admit my dear I do.”
Again I assumed the position and Toby got on his knees. He was still out of breath when he smacked my ass and I mean it was a fine one. Both my cheeks flew up, and it felt what I imagine, a pepper shot from a shotgun is like. Well, not that bad. I asked for three more and said “give me a fourth,” though he replied “Laney, your hiney is the color of…”
“…a bloody sunset?”
He waited for my glance and when he received it Toby dropped the middle of his brows. “No, goddamn, that’s dramatic. I was gonna say a school mi
lk carton, or some other shit like that.”
“That’s not red enough. Get to your feet my beloved.”
By the time he was finished the red was like an apple and the bruising was beginning to congeal. I had a look in the mirror of my tiny little bathroom and yelled “oh daddy! That’s perfect!” I sashayed around while he sat on the desk with his rock hard cock bending back. He began pointing to it, like he’d suddenly discovered it was there. He then made the “blow job” motion. The universal sign for “excuse me, would you mind sucking my dick?” I replied “why Toby, I’d love to.”
“Oh boy,” he said. “I love you.”
“Do you really Toby?”
“Yes Laney. I do. Look, I’m really trying. Jobs, good jobs, so we can be married, aren’t easy to find around here. I don’t want to take just anything. I want something to support us both. So you can go back to school full time…”
I placed my hand over his mouth because I knew Toby was sincere. I’d been hard on the man because I was hard on myself, like my father and his father before him. We all three thought that we couldn’t have better, so we dug fucking holes for dead people. No one ever tried to leave Remount. Alabama became our country.
“Toby, I love you also. I’ve been a bitch and I apologize.”
“Better ask my dong for forgiveness.”
I love sucking Toby’s big dick. Sometimes when I’m sitting in a rainy graveyard and my tarps are spread on the hole, I’ll suck “air dick” and think about Toby. But of course, right now, I have his actual live dong so I did what Toby likes best. Spitting on his cock I pumped his joint fast while gazing into his eyes. I said, and this is also our game, “don’t you shoot that nasty on me!” He replied “no mam, wouldn’t think of it.” Throating his member, I sunk it down my gullet, and coughed when I choked it back up. My watery eyes didn’t betray his length. Toby’s cock I respected and admired.
“Do the thing?” he asked and I agreed.
“Scoot to the edge of the desk.”
I licked my finger and worked it against his anus before sliding the digit in his cavity. After that I “high school” sucked him. You know, that repetitive twisting hand motion where the boys say “I’ll tell you when I’m coming,” right before your mouth is full. Toby leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling, repeating “goodness gracious!” My hand ringed his slobbery, pulsing dick with my mouth right behind it, Toby now moaning “no, not yet. Please Laney, no, not yet.” I rose to loft an alternative.